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Virgin Money London Marathon 2021

On Sunday 3rd October 2021 Claire finally made the start line of the London Marathon after two cancellations due to Covid 19. Together with her 'grid girls' Danielle and Pidella, they set off and kept up a decent pace for the first 15 miles or so but then the 'girls' choice of footwear began taking its toll with Danielle suffering with cramp and Pidella's feet were looking like they had
been chewed by a dog!.
Claire was having to wait for her girls to catch up despite doing this in her motorcycle leathers and helmet. They crossed the line 6 hours 40 minutes after their start and raised over £16k for the WhizzKidz charity.
In 2020 Claire will be returning to the London Marathon with the aim of finishing in the day!! (Instead of 17 days like in 2012). To make life even more difficult Claire will be completing the challenge in her motorbike leathers ... this not only makes every push even harder as the leathers are very restrictive, but they will also be extremely hot so lots of water and cold towels will be on hand!.
Considering just pushing across the pit lane in her leathers is hard work, it is going to be another tough challenge to complete the 26.2 miles but over Christmas Claire started her training and will no doubt give herself the best chance she can. The pain will be worth it to raise vital money for the Whizz-Kidz charity who help disabled children get mobility equipment.

Claire will also be holding an online auction in conjunction with the challenge so any items will be greatly appreciated.
Please email if you would like more information.
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